Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Warning for Unconventional Opinion Posts

Hello readers!
I just wanted to give this little heads-up. I am about to write some things on here that are very unconventional, or against established ideals. At the top of these posts, I will write:

"WARNING: This is an Unconventional Opinion Article. It will go against an idea many people live by. Please do not read unless you are very open-minded. Negative comments will be treated as hostile."

"Hostile" means exactly that.

I just want you as readers to know if you choose to read these pieces, the responsibility falls on you to control your reactions to such posts. This is not to scare you, but it is a deterrent from arguments over what I write.

Hopefully, those of you who choose to read these posts will see something new and expand your open mind.

Thank you.

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