Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Disciplined Son

    "WARNING: This is an Unconventional Opinion Article. It will go against an idea many people live by. Please do not read unless you are very open-minded. Negative comments will be treated as hostile."

    Once upon a time, there was a normal family of three: Father, Mother, and Son. But the Parents only concern was discipline. That the boy do what he should, and nothing else. He was to do chores and home work before they came home at 9 at night, nothing less was expected. He was to get good grades, eat nourishing foods, exercise, and work hard for his future job and eventual independence. He had his minor missteps and mishaps, and was properly punished for this. The boy didn't complain, as he had an obligation to go to church every Sunday, and listen to sermons about accepting discipline and honoring his parents. And they made sure not to coddle him, letting the waves of life crash against so he can have a thicker skin and stand on his own. They emphasized that they were not his friends, but his parents and the authority in his life until he was grown.

    A time came when the boy graduated, and had officially become a man. He was mature and responsible, taking care of his adult duties as expected. He independently got his own home, a state away from his parents, but none of them minded. He eventually got married and had a family: a girl and a boy of his own. Before he walked down the aisle, he assured his father, "I will always call," and preceded on to his new life.

    But after a while, the Parents got lonely. The Son did not return to visit. But he did call. He called every Sunday at precisely 2:00 pm, as he didn't want to disturb them while in church. And that was it. No visits, no sitting on the porch to talk with dad. No sipping coffee in the kitchen reminiscing with mom. Just a call on Sunday. They would talk about what was going on with his job, wife, and children, and then they hung up. The same questions every Sunday. So it was a shock that one Sunday when the father snatched away the phone from the mother, yelling, "WHY DON'T YOU COME AROUND ANYMORE?!"

There was a long silence, then the son gave a genuine reply:

"You were my discipline. Since I now have self-control, what's the point of coming over?"

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