Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A Poem: Someone's Waiting For You (#WorldSuicidePreventionDay)

I know the feeling
that life has no worth
I know the feeling
of constant hurt
A Life can be so easy to lose
But please hold on
Someone's waiting for you

I know it can hurt
to talk about strength
to think you're not "courageous" or great
A Life can be so easy to lose
But hold on
Someone's waiting for you

You are worth it
You are loved
Whether or not you believe in Above
I have been there,
and seen what' s true
Hold on a bit longer
Someone's waiting for you

I had plans to end it all
didn't think life was worth the cause
thought of my self  as nothing but a fool
but Somehow, Some Way, I knew
Someone was waiting for me, too.

I held on for Mom
I held on for Dad
I held on for Sis
Then life wasn't so bad
I graduated college,
And my first niece came too,

Auri was waiting for me,
Who's waiting for you?

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